Programming Language Approaches to
Concurrency- and Communication-cEntric Software

Workshop affiliated with ETAPS 2016

Friday 8th of April 2016, Eindhoven, Netherlands

Themes and goals

Modern hardware platforms, from the very small to the very large, increasingly provide parallel computing resources which software may use to maximise performance. Many applications therefore need to make effective use of tens, hundreds, and even thousands of compute nodes. Computation in such systems is thus inherently concurrent and communication centric.

Effectively programming such applications is challenging; performance, correctness, and scalability are difficult to achieve. Various programming paradigms and methods have emerged to aid this task, including structured imperative concurrent programming, stream-based programming, concurrent functions with asynchronous message passing, automatic parallelisation, and the use of types to describe communications and data structures (such as session and linear types), to name but a few. To fully exploit a (possibly heterogeneous) parallel computing environment often requires these approaches to be combined, depending on the shape of the data and control flow. All the while, the underlying runtime environment must ensure seamless execution without relying on differences in available resources such as the number of cores.

The development of effective programming methodologies for this increasingly parallel landscape therefore demands exploration and understanding of a wide variety of foundational and practical ideas. This workshop offers a forum where researchers from different fields can exchange new ideas on this key challenge to modern and future programming– where concurrency and distribution are the norm rather than a marginal concern.

The workshop aims to span disciplines, from foundations of concurrency in programming language theory, to systems research, to application areas, such as scientific computing. The unifying theme is however the use of programming languages to address the challenges of concurrent computing.

Submissions will be 6-page extended abstracts in EPTCS format and can also include an appendix of up to 4 pages and should be submitted in PDF format to EasyChair. There will be a post-proceedings special issue in JLAMP after the workshop, which will be open to anyone with a further round of reviewing.

We are very pleased to have Peter Müller giving the keynote at PLACES this year.


9:00 Welcome and opening
  Dominic Orchard (PC co-chair)
 Session 1 (Chair: Dominic Orchard)
9:05 Formalization of Phase Ordering
  Tiago Cogumbreiro, Jun Shirako and Vivek Sarkar
9:35 Future-based Static Analysis of Message Passing Programs
  Wytse Oortwijn, Stefan Blom and Marieke Huisman
10:05 From Events to Reactions: A Progress Report
  Tony Garnock-Jones
10:35 Coffee break
 Session 2 (Chair: Alex Summers)
11:00 Parallel Monitors for Adaptive Sessions
  Mario Coppo, Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini and Betti Venneri
11:30 Reversible Sessions Using Monitors
  Claudio Antares Mezzina and Jorge A. Pérez
12:00 Event-driven adaptation in COP
  Pierpaolo Degano, Gianluigi Ferrari and Letterio Galletta
12:30 Lunch break
 Session 3 (Chair: Nobuko Yoshida)
14:00 Invited talk: Reasoning about Concurrent Programs in Viper
  Peter Muller
15:00 Program Execution on Reconfigurable Multicore Architectures
  Sanjiva Prasad
15:30 Coffee break
 Session 4 (Chair: Jorge A. Pérez)
16:00 Multiparty compatibility for concurrent objects
  Roly Perera, Julien Lange and Simon Gay
16:30 Secure Multiparty Sessions with Topics
  Ilaria Castellani, Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini and Ugo De’Liguoro
17:00 Type-checking Availability in Choreographic Programming (presentation only)
  Hugo A. López, Flemming Nielson and Hanne Riis Nielson
Abstract submission: 8 January 2016
Paper submission: 15 January 2016 (Extension: Monday 18 January 2016)
Notification: 12 February 2016 (17 February 2016)
Camera-ready copy: 24 February 2016 (1 March 2016)
ETAPS early-registration deadline: 1 March 2016
PLACES workshop: 8 April 2016

Submission deadlines are “anywhere on Earth”.

colocated with ETAPS